Internet Service Solution
We specialize in IP transit, managed and unmanaged dedicated servers, remote server administration, content delivery network, clusters, database and backup servers, video streaming and domain registration.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Dear user! The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that changes the policy of storage and usage of personal data comes into force on May 25th. Please provide us with the following personal data. This is the only information we are going to use in each case under or in relation to this document.

  • personal name, phone number, private address;
  • email address, skype address and other addresses/contact details/identifiers used in electronic communications;
  • TIN/Identity number (including documents and information that certify the individual's identity);
  • information about the products or services that you purchased or consider purchasing from Us, IP addresses assigned by Us, customer ID or any other information related to your account;
  • information about enquiries made to us to resolve a technical or administrative query;
We are going to use your personal data solely for the purposes listed below:

  • to process of orders and provision of services;
  • to allow the technical support personnel assist you (or your employer) if needed to allow the technical support personnel manage Our infrastructure, systems, databases and other applications or tools;
  • to perform any of the features on Our website, e.g. conducting surveys, mail outs;
  • to improve the quality of Our website, Our products and services;
  • to develop or add Our additional products and services;
  • to conduct statistical analysis of the usage of Our website, applications and tools that are accessed via the website as well as to conduct market research and sales research;
  • to ensure security of persons and to find and prevent fraud;
  • for law compliance purposes.
We do not provide your Personal Data to third parties, except cases regulated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, any agreement we have with you or as required by law. You consent to Us using any Personal Data that We collect for any one of the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy.

Acceptable Use Policy
Pricacy Policy Internet Service Solution
Terms of Service Agreement
Internet Service Solution is a privately held company, consisting of IT-professionals from employees to management. We provide reliable web hosting along with powerful networking and system solutions that enable our customers to realize their business goals at any level of complexity.

Through our professional expertise and latest technology available on the market, Internet Service Solution provides the most efficient, reliable and easily managed solutions to meet our clients' needs.
Our network
Our entire networking is built with equipment from leading network solutions manufacturer CISCO.

As global uplinks for our network we use Level 3, PCCW Global, Cogent Communications, IPTP Networks
Total uplink capacity currently exceeds 1000Gbps.

Points of Presence:
Amsterdam, NIKHEF
Amsterdam, SARA
Amsterdam, TelecityGroup1 (Science park);
United Kingdom
London, TelecityGroup (Harbour Exchange);
London Telehouse (Docklands North);
Frankfurt, Ancotel
Paris, Telehouse2 (Voltaire);
Ashburn (VA), Equinix (DC1, DC5, DC10);
Fremont (NY), Telx.
Our Services
If you plan on using very customized system to meet your project's requirements, or don't want to rent a server on monthly basis because you would rather just purchase your own server, our company can offer you the opportunity to purchase your own server to be installed at our hosting spots in USA or Europe datacenters. We provide 1 year warranty for equipment we sell, and any repairs or hardware replacements will be made at our expense.

We can offer Colocation service only for the equipment purchased from us, delivered by our long-trusted technical partners. It may turn out to be a bit more expensive, but we take full responsibility for our hardware and in case of any hardware issues we will resolve them as soon as possible. If you're buying some third-party equipment, in case of failure it must be sent to the original supplier and you will have to wait until it's repaired or replaced and sent back to us. As a result your web project suffers a significant downtime and you have to deal with additional costs of dismantling, shipping and re-installation of some third-party equipment.

For uplinks of our vast 200 Gbps capacity network we're currently using:

  • Level 3;
  • PCCW Global;
  • Hurricane Electric;
  • Multiple traffic exchange points.
You can find more detailed info in «Datacenters and Network» section.

If you have any questions or want to place the order, please contact our sales department.
IP Transit
Our company offers IP transit, IX transit and Layer 2 transit services at any maintained point of presence.

No long-term contracts required.

IP transit options include:

  • BGP session with our AS;
  • direct BGP session with Level 3 3 or PCCW Global.
Traffic billing options include:

  • flat;
  • 95%ile;
  • per GB (in some cases).
Points of presents
Internet Service Solution maintains points of presence at the following Internet Exchanges:

  • Amsterdam (AMS-IX)
  • Ashburn Equinix IBX
  • Frankfurt (DE-CIX)
  • London (LINX)
  • Moscow (MSK-IX)
  • Paris (PaNAP)
  • Zurich SwissIX
We are offering Internet Access Ports (IP Transit), with a bandwidth ranging from 100Mbps up to multi Gigabit, from the following locations:

  • Ancotel Frankfurt
  • Equinix Ashburn (DC1-DC6)
  • Equinix Hong Kong (HK1)
  • Equinix New York (NY9)
  • Equinix Zurich (ZH1,2,4)
  • HKCOLO Sino Favour Centre
  • InterXion Zurich
  • MEGA iAdvantage Hong Kong
  • M9 Moscow
  • NIKHEF Amsterdam
  • SARA Amsterdam
  • TelecityGroup Amsterdam 1 (Science park)
  • TelecityGroup London (Harbour Exchange)
  • Telehouse London (Docklands North)
  • Telehouse Paris 2 (Voltaire)
Soon we will be present at the following Internet Exchanges:

  • Hong Kong (HKIX)
  • Hong Kong Equinix
  • New York Equinix
  • New York International Internet eXchange (NYIIX)
  • Paris (PAIX)
  • Zurich Equinix
Also, soon service will be available at the following locations:

  • FiberNet Telecom Group - 60 Hudson St
Content delivery (CDN)
Content delivery (CDN).

Internet Service Solution hosting company offers CDN solution for distributed content delivery.

Content delivery via CDN has several important advantages:

  • multiple presense points and high speed content delivery;
  • content is being cached on CDN servers for wide period of time;
  • scalable load balancing with superior perfomance;
  • low pricing and attractive rate plans;
  • only outgoing traffic is tariffed;
  • fast migration and swiitching to CDN.
Video Streaming
Internet Service Solution hosting company offers CDN solution for streaming and downloading video via HTTP. For relatively low costs you get reliable storing and high speed content delivery to the end user.

Content delivery via CDN has several important advantages:

  • multiple presense points and high speed content delivery;
  • video streaming using flv and mpeg4. Complete support for Full HD 1080p;
  • condent is stored on CDN servers;
  • 3x times backup of stored content;
  • DASH/HDS/HLS/MSS of MP4 files (h264/265 + aac);
  • rtsp:// streaming of .3gp files for mobile devices;
  • scalable load balancing with superior perfomance;
  • unique advanced strong hotlink prevention;
  • dynamic speed change for bandwidth saving;
  • low pricing and attractive rate plans;
  • fast migration and switching to CDN.
Server administration
OS supported are FreeBSD, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian and Gentoo. PHP, MySQL, PosgreSQL distributives and other software are also supported.

There are following service packages at your service:

1. Unmanaged

  • Initial setup for server, OS installation(1) and default software(2).
  • Setup and configuration of control panel for server administration (mail, DNS, billing, tickets).
  • Remote control via KVM\IPMI(3) and APC reboot.
  • Non-stop monitoring (ping, uptime, LA)(4).
2. Standart

  • Initial server setup, OS installation(1) and default software(2).
  • Setup and configuration of control panel for server administration (mail, domains, cron, backup, ftp/ssh account, tickets).
  • Remote control via KVM\IPMI(3) and APC reboot.
  • Non-stop monitoring (ping, uptime, LA, apachemon, IM).(4).
  • Technical support time included up to 2 hours/month(5).
  • Automated backup for databases and domains up to 100GB(6).
3. Advanced

  • Initial setup of FreeBSD/CentOS/etc OS (1). Installation and setup of default and additional software(2).
  • Setup and configuration of control panel for server administration (mail, domains, cron, backup, ftp/ssh account, tickets).
  • Remote control via KVM\IPMI(3) and APC reboot.
  • Non-stop monitoring (ping, uptime, LA, apachemon, IM, traffdown, feedback)(4).
  • Monthly audit of server and projects.
  • Technical support time included up to 5 hours/month(5).
  • Automated backup for databases and domains up to 100GB(6).
(1)Our control panel is optimized for such operating systems as FreeBSD, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo. Working with other operating systems (such as Solaris) is possible in a restricted mode (DNS records, mail, tickets, billing).

(2)The list of default software includes: MySQL, PHP, apache2, nginx. If your current package management involves operating additional software, operating will be made at the expense of time, that is included in your management package.

If your current management package does not include operating third-party software, or you have exceeded the total batch time, the track of the cost of such operation will be carried out according to the price list posted below.

(3)For the client, who rent our servers, we provide KVM\IPMI access on demand.

(4)Monitoring system consist of:

External monitoring:

  • ping – ping the server every minute
  • uptime – An automatic calculation of time, during which server is working without reboot.
  • apachemon – monitoring of apache, nginx, etc responsiveness.
  • traffdown – monitoring of the level of traffic and automatic notification of its surges.
Internal monitoring:

  • LA – load average – overall assessment of the server load.
  • IM – global internal monitoring system that monitors CPU, RAM, HDD load, system downtime, temperature. Also the system tracks processes running, freezes and crashes. Stuck or down processes are being automatically restarted. User has the opportunity to fine-tune automatic notification on any of those parameters. Our support team monitors the servers 24/7, provides quick solving of the problems and notification via mail, tickets, Skype, ICQ or cellphone in case of critical failures.

(5)Administration time, that is included in the package is not tied to a specific server and applies to all of your servers. If you have two servers, one of which got Standart package, and another got Advanced, then the total time of 6.5 hours/month you can spend in any manner on any of the servers in your sole discretion. After the exhaustion of the total batch time, as well as in case of operations not included in your current management package, further cost of the administration will be considered at the rate of $50 per hour.

(6)Administration package and backups volume is tied to a specific server. If you have multiple servers - you can order individual administration package for each. The cost of backups volume, that exceeds that volume included in the package considered at rate of $0.01perGB / month in USA and €0.01perGB / month in Europe.

Brief description of administration and technical support services:

  • Server load analysis - from 30 min.
  • Analysis and optimization of SQL-queries - from 30 min.
  • Web/ftp server logs analysis (protection from hotlinking, attacks, password guessing) - from 30 min.
  • Server audit for optimal load - from 1 hour.
  • Basic software installation or configuration (memcache, ffmpeg, mplayer etc.) - from 15 min.
  • Domains and databases recovering from backups - form 15 min.
  • Installation of any module on the web server (apache2, nginx) - from 15 min.
  • Changing of the volume limition, cleaning mailboxes - from 15 min.
  • Copying or transfering content and databases - from 15 min.
  • Smaller tasks (creating symlinks, counting files in directories, free space review, licensing for Superuser, etc.) - from 15 min.
  • Creating .htaccess or other rewrites - from 15 min.
  • Creating shell scripts for the clients - from 30 min.
  • Setting CDN between servers (GeoIP CDN, DNS based CDN) - from 1 hour.
  • Firewall setup on request (for example, to block access to the site from specific IP) - from 15 min.
  • Setting up automatic data synchronization between servers - from 15 min.
  • Setting up a custom monitoring system (htmlmon, zabbix, etc.) - from 1 hour.
  • Setting custom backups - from 1 hour.
  • Setting up database server (mysql) - from 15 min.
  • Configuration of anti-ddos - from 1 hour.
  • Server OS updating (for example, from freebsd 7.x to 8.x) - from 30 min.
  • Software updating (ffmpeg, mplayer, memcache, svn, etc) - from 15 min.
  • Cleaning the server from viruses, hacking impacts, search for web-shell/rootkit etc. - from 1 hour.
  • Static content ransfering from apache to nginx - from 15 min.
  • OS resetup (fro example, changing freebsd to linux) - from 30 min.
  • Search for causes of scripts\domains inoperability - from 30 min.
  • Assistance in creating or optimisation of crones - from 30 min.
  • Installing and configuring of the VPN\proxy, mpd, openvpn, squid, socks, etc - from 30 min.
  • Installing any modules in php/perl - from 15 min.
  • Installing script that the clients can do themselves, but do not want to, for some reason - from 30 min.
  • Installing Jabber - from 30 min.
Remote server administration services
If you've bought a server and administration isn't provided by your host you will probably need to hire your own system admin. The main disadvantage of having your own admin is that he can't be available 24 hour per day. If you opt for having server administration done by the team of our specialists you can be sure that at least one administrator will be at the workplace and can resolve any problems 24/7.

Our staff has been hosting and administrating server's for over 8 years and has all the necessary knowledge and experience.

As our customer you will get access to our control panel free of charge. Its main advantage is that it DOESN'T integrate itself in your server's operating system and DOESN'T replace any of the software running on your server. It is installed as an add-on and can be turned on and off at any time and it does not affect operation of the server unlike many other popular solutions that are replacing your server's software, making it less flexible. Another advantage – at your request we can always add any necessary functionality.

The fee of our remote administration service is ranges from $100/month. It can be negotiated individually depending on the amount of the work. The price will be minimal if your server works with static content. If your server runs large number of scripts and require constant attention – the price will be higher.

Server setup and administration

Our administrators will configure your server to meet your wishes and will keep it functioning properly. Any required software will be installed at your request. Our administrators can also assist you with installing of the scripts.

24-hour monitoring

We monitor following parameters:

  • Server's uptime;
  • Server's average load;
  • Web-server availability (Apache);
  • Database server availability (SQL);
  • Swap file size and usage (swap);
  • Amount of free memory;
  • CPU usage;
  • Storage usage.
Control panel

Per your request we will install our control panel on your server. It allows you to easily manage your server and domains, configure e-mail accounts, edit Cron records, etc. You can view demo of our control panel by contacting our sales department or support department.

As for today we support the following OS:

  • FreeBSD 9.x;
  • CentOS 6.x.
Services could be added or modified depending on your requirements.
Data archiving and storage
We offer data archiving and storage service in large volumes. The minimal volume of stored data should be no less than 1TB. For this purpose we configure a specific server solution with maximum reliability and storage volume concerned.

If you're interested in data archiving and storage service, please contact out sales department to discuss prices and conditions
Dedicated server configurations
Data centers in Netherlands, US and Hong Kong
Individual configuration on demand
Round-the-clock support by appointed administrators
from €140/month
Single Start

1 х Xeon® E3-1230V5
16 GB DDR4
2 х 2 TB HDD
Order now
from €170/month
Single Business

1 х Xeon® E5-1620V4
32 GB DDR4
2 х 2 TB HDD
Order now
from €180/month
Single Advanced

1 х Xeon® E3-1270V5
64 GB DDR4
2 х 2 TB HDD
Order now
Order now
Just type your contacts
8, Copthall 00152 Roseau, Dominica

Tel: +357 97816286

Contact us